[About BuVeMin]

…What is BuVeMin?

As I am on a personal journey to self-discovery and self-love, I want to document as much experiences as I can here. This is my way to motivate myself when life gets tough, and by reviewing all the efforts being documented, it’s going to be worth it!

…But why BuVeMin?

BuVeMin stands for Buddhism . Veganism . Minimalism . | These are the three pivotal stems that I have chosen to guide and motivate me in my journey.

…And are you a Buddhist/Vegan/Minimalist?

Basically, I appreciate the philosophies and the concepts behind the three pivots more than the labels of being a _________ (insert any roles here). To me, labels are just roles that people can identify with. Sometimes subconsciously, the roles may create a societal or cultural construct of how things should be. Meh. I don’t want that! I just want my own definition – according to what works for me and keeps me positive! 🙂

…Can I share my thoughts with you?

Sure! Hit me up through the [Contact] page.

“Conversation is simple. You talk, I listen. I talk, you listen. Communication is even simpler. You talk, I listen and understand. I talk, you listen and understand. ” ~ Est


“Faith. Aspiration. Practice. | Three Provisions ” ~ Shen Shi’an

Positive, practical and motivational Buddhism related inspiration will be here.



To me,

Eating is stress-free, sated and enjoyable.

Veganism is thus stress-free, sated and enjoyable eating.

In here, I will be collating any plant-based related knowledge, inspiration (and pictures!)


Is a journey.

It is about enjoying the journey as I let simplicity and clarity take over.